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Angela C. Robinson

Angela C. Robinson

Angela C. Robinson was a Connecticut Superior Court Judge for twenty years before retiring. She currently serves as the Waring and Carmen Partridge Faculty Fellow and Distinguished Practitioner in Residence at Quinnipiac University School of Law where she teaches Critical Race Theory, Evidence and Alternative Dispute Resolution. She has expanded her curriculum to introduce undergraduate as well as law students and laypeople to Critical Race Theory—what it is and isn’t. She applies her understanding of and experiences with the legal system to promote and facilitate fair, equitable, and peaceful resolutions. She is a James W. Cooper Fellow of the Connecticut Bar Foundation and serves on several boards. She is also counsel with Halloran and Sage, LLP, where she has a mediation practice. Through her private business, she provides diversity-related coaching and consulting. She earned her B.A. from Rutgers University-Douglass College (Phi Beta Kappa) and her J.D. from Yale Law School.

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