In the Hartford Courant, Josiah Brown of Connecticut CASA discusses how federal funds--including under the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)--benefit this state, with reference to the 119K Commission addressing CT's young people
In Hearst CT Media outlets, Josiah Brown of Connecticut CASA discusses how federal funds--including under the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA), Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA), and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)--benefit this state, with reference to the 119K Commission addressing CT's young people
In Hearst CT Media outlets, Josiah Brown of Connecticut CASA discusses how child welfare and prevention relate to juvenile justice/delinquency prevention on the occasions of Youth Justice, Domestic Violence Awareness, and Bullying Prevention month--and the 119K Commission addressing the state's young people
In the CT Mirror, Josiah Brown of Connecticut CASA discusses how child welfare and prevention relate to the occasions of Youth Justice, Domestic Violence Awareness, and Bullying Prevention month--and the 119K Commission addressing the state's young people
Arts Paper coverage of screening of "Silence on the Streets" documentary film, about the opioid epidemic and its effects on families and communities
Arts Paper coverage of a musical Benefit event for Connecticut CASA, at the Yale Child Study Center
Hearst CT Media coverage of Connecticut CASA's statewide growth, citing volunteer advocates Dwayne Jackson, Dave Kinahan, and Hallie Wofsy
Hartford Courant article on Connecticut CASA's growth statewide, to new courts including Hartford, New Britain, and Rockville--as well as New Haven, Waterbury, Torrington, and Willimantic
In the CT Mirror, Josiah Brown of Connecticut CASA discusses a Dalio Education-commissioned report on the state's young people
In various Hearst CT Media publications, Josiah Brown of Connecticut CASA discusses a Dalio Education-commissioned report on the state's young people